Record high temperature 27.3°C Record low temperature -1.1°C Record high gust 54.8 km/h Record high average 32.9 km/h Record daily rain 45.4 mm Record low windchill -3.6°C Record high barometer 1036.9 hPa Record low barometer 992.3 hPa
Daily high pressure 1019.3 hPa Daily low pressure 1017.8 hPa Daily low windchill 8.5°C Daily high heat index 22.3°C Daily high gust speed 16.1 kmh N Daily high average speed 11.1 kmh N
Weather Data
ULTIMO RILEVAMENTO ALLE ORE: 12:08 PM GIORNO: 28 Aprile 2024 prossimo aggiornamento ore: 12:09 pm
Tempo presenteSunny/Dry Temperatura attuale 21.7°C (71.1°F) (Indice calore 25.0°C ), temperatura apparente 21.9°C , Apparent temp solar 29.3°C
Temperatura massima (da mezzanotte)22.3°C alle ore: 12:06 PM Temperatura minima (da mezzanotte)8.7°C alle ore: 12:24 AM
Forza media vento (dieci minuti)2.8 kmh (1.5 kts) Direzione vento (dieci minuti)ESE (115°)
Indice calore 25.0°C Massima forza (ultima ora)9.7 kmh (5.2 kts) alle ore: 11:29 AM
Massima forza (da mezzanotte)16.1 kmh (8.7 kts) alle ore: 3:01 AM Massimo vento 1 minuto (da mezzanotte)11.1 kmh (6.0 kts) alle ore: 3:04 AM
Pioggia (ultima ora)0.0 mm Pioggia (da mezzanotte)0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---
Pioggia Questo mese 29.9 mm (1.18 in.) Pioggia Questo anno 297.7 mm (11.72 in.)
Massima pioggia per minuto (ultima ora)0.0 mm/min Massima pioggia per ora (ultime 6 ore)0.0 mm/ore
Pioggia di ieri 0.0 mm DewPoint 9.3°C (Wet Bulb :15.0°C )
Umidita 45 %, Humidex 22.7°C Pressione S.L.M.1018.6 hPa
Variazione pressione -0.2 hPa (ultima ora) Tendenza (ultime 1 ore)Stazionaria
Variazione pressione (ultime 12 ore)-0.8 hPa Variazione pressione (ultime 6 ore)+0.5 hPa
Current Solar 837 W/m²
Maximum solar (da mezzanotte) 854 W/m² Minimum solar (da mezzanotte)0 W/m²
Current 04:08 hours of sunshine today, current sky: Sunny
Sunshine hours for the year: 361:01 hrs Sunshine hours for the month: 133:00 hrs
Current evapotranspiration rate 3.0 mm per day. Yesterday's reading 3.5

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Weather report/warning/Metars

Roma Fiumicino, Italy (LIRF) 41-48N 012-14E 3M
Apr 28, 2024 - 05:50 AM EDT / 2024.04.28 0950 UTC
Wind: Variable at 5 MPH (4 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Temperature: 75 F (24 C)
Dew Point: 48 F (9 C)
Relative Humidity: 38%
Pressure (altimeter): 30.06 in. Hg (1018 hPa)
ob: LIRF 280950Z VRB04KT CAVOK 24/09 Q1018 NOSIG
cycle: 10

The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute.

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Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37S151 at this start time/date 08:42:31 28/04/2024